Natural Language Processing- F’22

DSCI 6004

Natural Language Processing Fall 2022

Meeting Times and Location(s): Mondays & Wednesday 12:30 – 1:45 pm, Buckman 233A Credit Hours: 3

Vahid Behzadan, PhD – Assistant Professor Faculty Contact Information:

Office Location: Maxcy Hall 120F or Zoom (

Phone: (203) 47904723                                             


Office Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 12pm-1pm or by request

Department Chair: Dr. Ali Golbazi

This syllabus is informational in nature and is not an express or implied contract. It is subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances, as a result of any circumstance outside the University’s control, or as other needs arise. If, in the University’s sole discretion, public health conditions or any other matter affecting the health, safety, upkeep or wellbeing of our campus community or operations requires the University to make any syllabus or course changes or move to remote teaching, alternative assignments may be provided so that the learning objectives for the course, as determined by the University, can still be met. The University does not guarantee that this syllabus will not change, nor does it guarantee specific in-person, on-campus classes, activities, opportunities, or services or any other particular format, timing, or location of education, classes, activities, or services.

Course Description:
Prerequisite: DSCI 6003. Essential data science skills involved in working with unstructured data: transforming it into structured data types able to be analyzed, processed, and used for machine learning and information retrieval algorithms. Material focuses on natural language processing and classification techniques used in text mining. 3 credits
Graduate: Catalog
Extended Course Description:
Natural language processing (NLP) or computational linguistics is one of the most important technologies of the information age. Applications of NLP are everywhere because people communicate almost everything in language: web search, advertising, emails, customer service, language translation, virtual agents, medical reports, etc. In the last decade, deep learning (or neural network) approaches have obtained very high performance across many different NLP tasks, using single end-to-end neural models that do not require traditional, task-specific feature engineering. In this course, students will gain a thorough introduction to cutting-edge research in Deep Learning for NLP. Through lectures, assignments and a final project, students will learn the necessary skills to design, implement, and understand their own neural network models, using the Pytorch framework.

Required Text(s):
Speech and Language Processing by Dan Jurafsky and Jim Martin. 3rd Edition, (available online at )


    •	Jacob Eisenstein - Natural Language Processing
    •	Yoav Goldberg - A Primer on Neural Network Models for Natural Language Processing   
    •	Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville - Deep Learning

Other Materials/Supplies:
Additionsal reading materials, code samples, and datasets will be posted on Canvas.
Course Structure/Course Format/Course Objectives:
This class is offered an on-ground course, with in-person lectures, and in-person/online tutorial and discussion sessions, as well as written and online assignments, and programming projects. Active learning will constitue as much as 50% of the class. Participation will be recorded based on engagement in discussions (online/in-person), as well as submitted assignments
Course Objectives:
To explore computational approaches for processing and anlaysis of textual data for various language processing and understanding tasks.

Student Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:
• Parse texts into semanctic vectors for subsequent analysis and modeling
• Perform syntactic and semantic analysis of the textual data
• Build neural network models to process sequential data
• Apply machine learning techniques for information extraction and sentiment analysis.

Course Requirements & Assessment:
Please see official University of New Haven Academic Policies located in the links below: Graduate Grading System

Assignments/Projects: There will be multiple homrework assignements, each consisting of written and coding problems in Python, as well as a final project. The homework must be completed individually without any collaboration or assistance. All submissions are online via Canvas.

The final project will be done in a group of two students and will have several deliverables including a proposal, progress update, and final report. The topic can be of one of the following types:

  1. Implementation of an algorithm/architecture that has recently been published as full papers in high quality journal/conferences and does not have its code publicly
    • available. Topic should be challenging enough to qualify as a group final project and cannot be on similar to topics of your class assignments, e.g., language modeling.
  2. An extension of existing methods or a novel idea aimed to solve a particular problem. It can be something from your research project.

Use of any external source must be cited properly (acceptance is at instructor’s discretion). Any violation of this policy may result in penalty from zero in assignments to failing in the course. Students may also be subject to disciplinary action by the University of New Haven (see University Policies).

Examinations: This course will have two exams: midterm and final. Both exams are closed- book and closed-notes, and must be completed individually during the designated exam sessions. The exams will include questions taken directly from the class discussions and exercises. Exams may also require handwritten code. Everything you are told or shown in class is fair game, not just the content of slides. No makeup exam will be given except for extraordinary stituations that must be communicated in written in advance.

Participation: Active learning will constitue as much as 50% of the class. Participation will be recorded based on engagement in discussions (online/in-person), as well as submitted assignments.


Grades earned are based on your performance on homework, quizzes, exams and the final exam.

In-class Quizzes/Participation5%
Final Project25%
Midterm Exam20%
Final Exam20%

**Final Grades are assigned with the following scale:

Typical Graduate Scale

Grades Scored Between Letter Equivalent

97 to 100A+
94 to Less than 97A
90 to Less than 94A-
87 to Less than 90B+
84 to Less than 87B
80 to Less than 84B-
77 to Less than 80C+
74 to Less than 77C
70 to Less than 74C-
Less than 70F
The calculation of final grades is determined by the faculty member. The calculated grade in the total column in Canvas may or may not be reflective of your final grade.

Students should expect to spend at least 3 hours on academic studies outside, and in addition to, each hour of class time. There will be readings, homework questions/problems, and programming projects.
Attendance: Missing more than five lectures will result in an automatic “F” in the course (if you miss more than five lectures, then your course letter grade will be F). This policy may appear to be harsh, but please know that the aim of our attendance policy is by no means to add to your stress. The goal is to ensure that everyone is keeping up with the course. Many of us have the habit of procrastination. It has been repeatedly proven to me that it is less likely for my students to fall behind if they attend the lectures. Your education is of paramount importance and I care about you and your education.

• Note: If for reasons of illness, injury, or emergency health issues, you will not be able to regularly attend the lectures, you must email me by the end of Week 1. I will help you in any way I can. I promise together we will find an alternative method for recording your attendance.

• Note: If you know that you will not benefit from our strict attendance policy, please come talk with me during office hours by the end of Week 2. I will help you in any way I can. In particular, I can adjust the grading scale and create alternative midterm exams and a special comprehensive final exam for you if you do not want to regularly attend the lectures. But, if that is what you want, you must contact me by the end of Week 2.

Late Work: Assignments turned in late may be accepted with a grade penalty, if the solutions are not distributed yet. This is completely at the discretion of the instructor, as the goal is to balance learning and fairness.

Missed Work: Exams may be made up in only the most unavoidable situations (at the discretion of the instructor). A formal excused absence (such as a note from Health Services or a healthcare provider) will be required before you can make up a missed exam.

Individual Work: Students must work individually on assignments and projects unless specifically allowed to work in groups by the instructor. Any work taken from the internet must be cited properly (acceptance of code taken from elsewhere is at the discretion of the instructor) or will be considered plagiarism. Failure to adhere to this policy will result in penalties ranging from a zero on the assignment to a zero in the final grade. Students may also be subject to disciplinary action by the University of New Haven (see University Policies).

TCoE Academic Lab reservation form
As a TCoE student, you have access to reserve academic lab spaces for academic purposes where you need access to specific equipment. Example approved uses might include time for a team meeting to finish a team project or a study-session with a TA. For more information or to submit your reservation, please visit:

Course Outline/Schedule:

Week 1 (8/29)Introduction – Text Processing
Week 2 (9/5)Word Vectors
Week 3 (9/12)Backprop and Neural Networks
Week 4 (9/19)Linguistic Structure: Dependency Parsing
Week 5 (9/26)Recurrent Neural Networks and Language Models
Week 6 (10/3)Vanishing Gradients, Fancy RNNs, Seq2Seq
Week 7 (10/10)Machine Translation, Attention, Subword Models
Week 8 (10/17)Midterm Exam
Week 9 (10/24)ConvNets for NLP – Final Project Announcement
Week 10 (10/31)Transformers and Self-Attention
Week 11 (11/7)Contextual Representations and Pretraining
Week 12 (11/14)Question Answering and Chatbots
Week 13 (11/21)Natural Language Generation – Thanksgiving Break
Week 14 (11/28)Safety, Bias, and Fairness
Week 15 (12/5)Catch-up Week / Project Presentations
Week 16 (12/12)Final Exam Review / Final Exam

Diversity Statement:
The University of New Haven embraces diversity and recognizes our responsibility to foster a diverse, inclusive, and welcoming environment in which all members of the Charger community of all backgrounds and identities can learn, work, and live together. We benefit from the academic, social, and cultural developments that arise from a diverse campus that is committed to equity, inclusion, belonging, and accountability.

We have a responsibility as a community and as individuals to address and remove barriers, achieve success, and sustain a culture of inclusivity, empathy, kindness, and compassion. We encourage, welcome, and embrace participation in ongoing dialogue, engagement, and education to critically examine and thoughtfully respond to the changing realities of our community.
Diversity, equity, inclusion, acceptance, and belonging enrich the Charger community and are instrumental to institutional success and fulfillment of the University mission.

Reporting Bias Incidents
At the University of New Haven, there is an expectation that all community members are committed to creating and supporting a climate which promotes civility, mutual respect, and open-mindedness. There also exists an understanding that with the freedom of expression comes the responsibility to support community members’ right to live and work in an environment free from harassment and fear. It is expected that all members of the University community will engage in anti-bias behavior and refrain from actions that intimidate, humiliate, or demean persons or groups or that undermine their security or self-esteem.

If you have an immediate safety concern for yourself or others, and/or believe someone poses an immediate threat to themselves or others, please contact University Police at 203-932-7070 or call 911. Community members can report bias-motivated incidents by completing the form
at Community members are encouraged to complete this

form if they are the target of bias or harassing behaviors, witness such behaviors, or gain knowledge of these behaviors occurring within the University community. All matters concerning bias and harassment will be handled by the Dean of Students Office and Human Resources Office.

University-wide Academic Policies

A continually-updated list of University-wide academic policies and descriptions of key university student resources, can be found on Canvas. You can access them by simply clicking on the (?) help button.

The University-wide academic policies include (but are not limited to) the University’s attendance policy, procedures for both adding / dropping a course and course withdrawals, an explanation for the sorts of circumstances where incomplete (INC) grades could be considered by the faculty, and the academic integrity policy (among others). Also in this location you will find information regarding the process for reporting bias and topics related to our maintaining a positive learning environment (including, but not limited to, discrimination and sexual misconduct).

The list of key university student resources to enable learning include (but are not limited to) the University’s Center for Student Success, Writing Center, Center for Learning Resources, and the Accessibility Resource Center.

Course Delivery Options
• On-Ground: Fully on-ground course with every student meeting in-person