
Paper on Threat Model for Deep Trading Policies

  • February 21, 2021
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SAIL Lab in collaboration with Enterprise Model Risk Management Group, Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) did research project on Deep Reinforcement Learning(DRL). The paper titled “Adversarial Attacks on Deep Algorithmic […]

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Paper on AI Forensics Accepted at SafeAI 2020

  • December 19, 2019
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Dr. Behzadan’s paper with Dr. Ibrahim Baggili, titled “Founding the domain of AI Forensics” has been accepted for presentation at SafeAI 2020. A preprint copy of this paper is available […]

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SAIL Lab is Born

  • September 1, 2019
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The Secure and Assured Intelligent Learning (SAIL) lab is now the most recently established research group at the University of New Haven

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